10 Of The Best Use Cases Of Educational Chatbots In 2023

Chatbot for Education Institutes and Universities

education chatbot

Chatbots will be virtual assistants that offer instant help and answer questions whenever students get stuck understanding a concept. Most students and parents are already tired of the tedious enrollment process of educational institutions. Konverse’s WhatsApp Chatbot can support them in every step of the admission process by providing necessary guidelines, campus info, and answering all their admission related queries. Automate the entire student onboarding procedure with our chatbot for schools. Use Konverse’s omnichannel education chatbot, via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and offer fast responses to any questions related to university orientation, schedules, school/college events, etc.

Historically, educators viewed their interactions with chatbots negatively, citing that the responses from chatbots were rigid and unoriginal (Kim & Kim, 2022), only capable of answering simple questions (Cunningham-Nelson et al., 2019). These FAQ-type chatbots are commonly used for automating customer service processes like booking a car service appointment or receiving help from a phone service provider. Alternatively, ChatGPT is powered by the large language models (LLMs), GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023b). LLMs are AI models trained using large quantities of text, generating comprehensive human-like text, unlike previous chatbot iterations (Birhane et al., 2023).

Know your Educational Institution

For instance, some teaching agents recommended tutorials to students based upon learning styles (Redondo-Hernández & Pérez-Marín, 2011), students’ historical learning (Coronado et al., 2018), and pattern matching (Ondáš et al., 2019). In some cases, the teaching agent started the conversation by asking the students to watch educational videos (Qin et al., 2020) followed by a discussion about the videos. In other cases, the teaching agent started the conversation by asking students to reflect on past learning (Song et al., 2017). Other studies discussed a scenario-based approach to teaching with teaching agents (Latham et al., 2011; D’mello & Graesser, 2013). The teaching agent simply mimics a tutor by presenting scenarios to be discussed with students.

education chatbot

Even the best teachers cannot transform barely literate students into star writers. Reforming courses by removing writing from the curriculum altogether (or forcing very quick writing), as described in this article, cheats me and so many students of the opportunity to invest in ourselves and our ability to think. I will help you encounter interesting, challenging, sometimes difficult ideas, and I will help you ponder them rigorously with your classmates. It will expand and strengthen your mind, and thereby enlarge your potential as a human being. In the process you will earn my respect and — what is more important — you will respect yourself.

Of The Best Use Cases Of Educational Chatbots In 2023

This can assist schools in gathering important data and addressing issues that lead to subpar outcomes. A robust student assistance strategy is required for educational institutions in light of this expansion. Prioritize and respond quickly to student inquiries before registration, during the course, and after that. With educational chatbots, education institutions can support students to diversify their knowledge and learn around the clock. Education chatbots can provide 24/7 assistance to students by answering questions and providing information on a wide range of topics.

education chatbot

For example, in this study, the rule-based approach using the if-else technique (Khan et al., 2019) was applied to design the EC. The rule-based chatbot only responds to the rules and keywords programmed (Sandoval, 2018), and therefore designing EC needs anticipation on what the students may inquire about (Chete & Daudu, 2020). Furthermore, a designer should also consider chatbot’s capabilities for natural language conversation and how it can aid instructors, especially in repetitive and low cognitive level tasks such as answering FAQs (Garcia Brustenga et al., 2018). As mentioned previously, the goal can be purely administrative (Chocarro et al., 2021) or pedagogical (Sandoval, 2018).

The bot guides each and every student and provides relevant information to them. Their responses are stored for the consultancy to look at and take the standard operating procedure (SOP) further from here. Students are often found entering search queries like ‘do my assignment’ to find an assistant who can help them in completing their assignment or to get a clearer explanation of a specific topic they are struggling with. As a bonus, the bot collects all the feedback in one place for the teacher to look at and highlights the most common points mentioned in their feedbacks.

High school senior: Why aren’t more teachers embracing AI? – CNN

High school senior: Why aren’t more teachers embracing AI?.

Posted: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Belitsoft is a chatbot development company with an extensive portfolio in e-learing, including creating сustom training chatboats with coaching/mentoring functionality. ChatGPT works by using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand the needs of students. The chatbot can interpret student questions and provide accurate and helpful answers. ChatGPT can also provide personalized recommendations based on a student’s learning history, helping them to improve their academic performance over time. Only four (11.11%) articles used chatbots that engage in user-driven conversations where the user controls the conversation and the chatbot does not have a premade response. For example, the authors in (Fryer et al., 2017) used Cleverbot, a chatbot designed to learn from its past conversations with humans.

Key Capabilities of REVE Chatbot for Education Industry

Informed consent in plain language should be addressed prior to the use of chatbots and is currently a concern for the Canadian government (CBC News, 2023). Students and teachers should be educated on the accuracy of the text produced by chatbots and always fact-check the information produced by them. Instead of absorbing information from the entire internet to train its artificially intelligent brain, Stretch is only learning on materials that have been developed or vetted by ISTE and ASCD. Eventually, the tool may include information from other education and tech organizations that ISTE partners with. Conversational AI is revolutionizing the way businesses communicate with their customers and everyone is loving this new way. Businesses are adopting artificial intelligence and investing more and more in it for automating different business processes like customer support, marketing, sales, customer engagement and overall customer experience.

education chatbot

They can simulate a classroom experience, delivering personalized learning content, and adapting to individual student needs. Interactive learning chatbots can offer quizzes, exercises, and educational games, providing an engaging learning environment. According to the research, education is one of the top 5 industries profiting from using chatbots. Using AI chatbots for education will increasingly become a key to enhancing students’ learning experience and educators’ productivity. A good example is the story of Emilien Nizon, a business school professor, who used the bot for 1,200+ students, 91% of which reported on improvements in their educational experience thanks to interacting with the chatbot.

Student Onboarding

This, in turn, allows teachers to devote more time and attention to designing exciting lessons and providing learners with the personalized attention they deserve. They can be used to provide a personalised learning experience for students and assist in developing their learning processes. By analysing their responses, observing how they study and consume content, and understanding their overall performance using Intelligent tutoring systems, chatbots help students make the best out of the education system. Only one study pointed to high usefulness and subjective satisfaction (Lee et al., 2020), while the others reported low to moderate subjective satisfaction (Table 13).


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