Our Digital Tourist Guide to Argentina

Congratulations dear third year students for your work!

Here is your collection of the digital walls you made with Padlet about our beautiful  country: padlet

Carlos Paz, Córdoba by Araceli, Florencia and Felipe.

La Rioja by Martina, Victoria, Azul, Marcos N. and Morena.

Jujuy by Candela, Santiago and Marcos I.

The Iguazú Falls by Lara, Valentina O. and Pía.

Bariloche by Guadalupe, Serrana and Valentín.

What do you like about them? Have a look and leave your comments.









One thought on “Our Digital Tourist Guide to Argentina

  1. We liked the padlets, we think that the one from La Rioja is well organized and brings a lot of information as well as the one from Iguazu Falls. The padlet about Jujuy has complete information too and its tourist places look attractive but the organization is confused; with respect to Bariloche it is well organized but there is little information. Felipe Russo – Florencia Caro – Araceli Maldonado Clar – Thomas Rousseau – Diosito

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