Fake News

Congratulations to all of you for your Final Work for this year, our Project about Mysteries and Fake News.

Before you look at your work, let’s make a reflection. We live in a world where we are surrounded by information and in which technology plays a very important role as a medium to create and share content of all kinds instantly. This takes us to consider both the role of those who create such content and of those who become active readers and spectators. It is very important to turn to valid sources of information not only when creating but also when judging content, especially because as you all know, much of the information you find on the Internet may not be true or based on real evidence, so it could become fake, either on purpose or because the author did not check the sources.

As you prepared your final work you observed different types of fake news I shared with you and you saw the different purposes behind them, for example, to entertain, amuse and make fun or surprise. You also noticed that very often fake news may be intentionally misleading or manipulative, especially in the area of entertainment and politics.

As you worked on the topic of mysteries this year by creating content with fact and personal opinion, now it was time to create fake news based on a real or imaginary mystery. I’m very happy to share them here:

Do you believe in ghosts? No? Then you must check this news by Renata Garriga, Candelaria Saenz, Martina Rómulo and Mara Lasalle:

Talking about mysterious beings, what about the Snowman? Does it exist? What do you think? Read and find out at Joel Villagran’s news.

And if you think of a really mysterious place in the world, the Bermuda Triangle has always attracted the public’s opinion, don’t you agree? Here’s

And if you thought the last piece of news was not strange enough, then, have a look at the news about the Reptilians, written by Valentina Díaz and Pierina Lorente. They look scary, don’t they?

This world can sometimes be strange; if you don’t agree, just read this news from the world of science, created by Bernardo Toledo, Catalina Luzzi and Lisa Vasallo about a Killer gene.

Dealing with mysteries of a different kind, take a look at the following news.

A common type of fake news these days is about a celebrity accused of abuse. Can you detect what’s real and what’s fake in this news created by Jerónimo Rocha?

And here’s a fake news on local politics written by Matías Aroza, related to the recent elections in our country.



Lights, Camera, Action!

Luz, cámara, acciónCongratulations to all of you for your Projects! I’m very happy to share them here.

Films are a great way of entertainment but they may often be much more than that as they can teach us valuable lessons in life. This short film called Aberto and Christian created by Fabricio, Alejo, Camilo and Pablo leaves us a really important message. Excellent acting by the way! And great editing skills, too! You can read the script here.

Talking about valuable lessons…what consequences can these things have at school when something like this happens and is shown by the news? Watch and judge by yourself in this film called News New York One made by Lourdes, Camila, Emilia, Valentín and Matías. And special thanks to Luján, History Teacher, Jimena, Joaquín and Matías for your collaboration and participation in the film, you deserve an Oscar Award! You can follow the script here.

If you enjoy film reviews, don’t miss these ones:

Argentine films by Martina M. Classic and modern films with a great insight into human behaviour.

The Hateful Eight by Abril. A well-known film by Quentin Tarantino.

Titanic by Martina G. A., Nerea and Juan. The famous love story that has made many hearts sigh.

Bee Movie by Athina, Ailén and Lola. A children’s animated film with a message.

So, get your popcorn, sit back and enjoy!